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Powering The Future | The Road to 2050 by The Franklin Institute

Brian RiordanFebruary 7, 2023

The race to decarbonize our planet is on. But can we do it? And how?

Join co-founders Robin Langtry and Brian Riordan of microreactor start-up Avalanche to find out why fusion is the answer. Some say it’s an outrageous challenge. Robin and Brian see it as the most outrageous challenge of our time: the challenge to outright change the course of our civilization.

Where fusion fits into this game has always been hazy for scientists, politicians, and the general public alike. Especially with today’s list of varied and expansive solutions: solar, wind, geothermal, traditional batteries, non-traditional batteries, old fission, new fission, red fission, blue fission.

Robin and Brian will help sort through the concepts, issues, and practical applicability and answer the central question—Is clean energy the magic bullet to push us through the climate crisis, or a decades-out daydream that’s more Asimov than Alamos?

Fusion Microreactor Space Application

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